Monday, 19 May 2014

Higher than the clouds!!

I glared at the window watching as the little drops of rain race down and I wondered what the year sixes of Windsor North School would do at Camp Tautuku.

Here I am two days later standing in the nice cool shaded bush staring up at the ropes that were 5 metres off the ground but to me it looked like they were touching the clouds! I was with my group listening to the instructions about the Confidence Course! We all put on a harnesses and climbed up the ladder to the first rope. I slide across the rope. Its so skinny and I don't like it!

By now I was on the highest part of the course and every time I stepped I became more and more confident. One of the scariest parts was climbing up a ladder-like thing that started at the ground and went up to a tall building. And to make matters worse I was wearing no harness!! The ladder had huge gaps in between and it wobbled from side to side. I was really happy about it, and when I got to the to the top there was a big firemen's pole to slide down!

There was one obstacle that I really enjoyed because I did it with my best friend Leah. This was fun, but tricky. There were two ropes that started skinny then got wider and wider. So Leah and I had to support each other at the shoulders, then at the elbows. Finally we had to support each other at the hands. Unfortunately we never completed this challenge.

Three more obstacles to go, I thought to myself. First was a net that you had to climb up while it was on a lean. When I finally got to the next obstacle I gave it one look and tried to back down. Hanging by a high rope were about ten triangles that you had to crawl through! I actually really enjoyed this activity. The last obstacle was a rope that you used to swing into a huge net!! I was scared and watching other people. It didn't look fun. But I tried and really really enjoyed it!!

I really miss camp because I thought it was really fun.

By Lucy

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