Thursday, 16 October 2014


For the past few weeks room 7 have been making poems. The poems we have been making are cinquains, onomatopoeia, shape, simile and 'It makes sense poetry.' Here are a few example written by myself - Sophie Cunningham.

Boom, boom goes the music.
Thump,thump go the feet.
Dribble,dribble goes my sweat.
Suck,suck go the water bottles.
Faster,faster go the teachers.
Timing,timing yell the parents.
Yay, yay goes the crowd when the curtain rises.
Gurgle, gurgle goes my stomach nervously.
Whoop, whoop goes the crowd wildly after the performance.
Flash, flash goes the lights blindingly.
Sparkle, sparkle go the costumes.

Drift, drift go the snowflakes softly.
Whoo, whoo goes the wind.
Crash, bang goes the thunder and lighting.
BRRRR go the people of the town.
Crackle, crackle goes the warm and cosy fire.
Sip, sip go the people sipping milo.
Roll, roll goes the snowman's body.