Sunday, 4 September 2016

Ancient and Modern Olympic Games

While the 2016 Olympic Game were on we studied the history of the Games.

Pupils researched and presented their findings in a Google Slide show. These were shared in the classroom and now we are sharing with the classroom community.

Monday, 23 November 2015


My Technolgy Challenge

By Daniel Kazadi

In Room 7 we have been learning how to make a popsicle stick slide and tower. We were making a model because our old slide has broken. 
Mr Goodsir gave us instructions on how to make our slide, but first we needed to make our slide plan. 
We needed to have trusses to support the slide.  But we were only given popsicle sticks, hot glue gun etc. 
After we had finished we would show Mr Goodsir and he would give us our marks and then we could start building.

I think my slide turned out okay but I could have improved my slide a little bit more.

    - Glitter Graphics - Glitter Graphics


The task we were given was to create a slide with trusses that was appealing and strong. We did this because our old slide wasn't safe so we designed a new one that would support more weight. 
Mr Goodsir talked to us about different kinds of trusses that could hold more weight than others. Most people used trusses that were shaped like crosses as they were the strongest.

We created our slide using popsicle sticks, toilet rolls and a hot glue. Then we
painted it and added stones for the ground. 
We think our slide's quite appealing but our trusses didn't work as well as we thought they would. The welding with the hot glue gun on our slide isn't very neat but we think everything else is fine.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Paint Ball Palace by Desmond, Ryan and Eliana

Mr Goodsir gave us the task of making a prototype of a new and improved  school slide!

The problem was the original slide is not earthquake proof. We had to design a slide with very, very strong trusses.

In this photo is a diagram of our slide design that we thought was the strongest. But in the future it didn't work out so well.

We had two boards to be the base of the slide. When we built the slide, we realized that we wouldn't have enough room to fit our slide so we had to improvise by adding a swimming pool at the bottom of it.

Each kid gets water proof school uniform!

MAX JOSHs presentation

Our Popsicle Stick Slide 

For our slide model we had to make it with a rectangular shape and we had to keep working with the same shape from there which made it harder to create. A square shape would have been better. 
Mr Goodsir said we needed to use trusses to hold up the slide and keep it stable. 

We (Max and Josh M) made a wall using hot glued popsicle sticks and we attached it to the slide to hold it up and in position. We glued the slide to the ground to hold it up.  

This is our slide,       
                                                             on an angle, 

and a close up...
Our thoughts,
We had some difficulties and problems making and creating the slide. Our problems were mainly making and gluing the roof down. We had to weave sticks in certain patterns and glue positions. Overall I think it is a good slide.

By Max S and Josh M. - Glitter Graphics - Glitter Graphics

M.S.P Slide

The slide at our school was broken and we had to make a new prototype of it. 
Mr. Goodsir said we have to research and come up with some ideas. So we went on YouTube and didn't find anything. So then we went on Google Images and found an image but other people copied our design or found it at the same time. So we found another image. 
Mr Goodsir said we had to make sure our slide and trusses were strong.

We had lots of fun and enjoyed making the slide and tower and we think we created one of the best slides. The only thing that we could have managed better was the slide because we needed to make the slide was less steep at some points. 

By MaddieSophie and Paige.

Jamie, George and Ryan's slide design

This week room 7 has been creating slide designs to replace the existing yellow slide. We came up with the idea of a twin race slide.
First we started to make the base and roof. It was one storey high with a rock climbing wall up one slide made from little popsicle sticks. We made a roof over the wall so it wouldn't get slippery. We used rugby post trusses in our design to give the slide strength.

We all did hard work to try to make the best slide. We came upon some hurdles on the way but with our awesome team work we worked around them.